
Integration - The First International Art Exhibition for People with Disabilities

2015年07月20日 来源:manbetx官方网站手机登录网

The International Art Exhibition for People with Disabilities is an academic and artistic event which focuses on the artistic visual creation of disabled people.  It emphasizes at the high fusion of different cultures, traditional, modern, and artists with and without disabilities. The exhibition includes painting, calligraphy, sculpture, handicraft, photography and art exchange activities. It is held every two years.

Time & Place

October 19-22, 2015   Wuhan, China

The organization

The supporters

China Disabled Persons' Federation,
The City Government of Wuhan,
Korea’s Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism
Japan’s Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare

The Organizers

China Press for People with Disability, 
Wuhan Disabled Persons' Federation,
Korea Disabled Artists Association
Nippon Charity Kyokai Public Interest Incorporated Foundation (Japan)

The Co-organizers

The Art Exchange Center of China National Academy of Painting
Huaxia Publishing House
Huaxia Academy of Painting
Wuhan Federation of Literary and Art Circles
Wanlin Art Museum of Wuhan University
German Artists Association

The Purpose

To enhance the human spirit and humanitarian care in artistic creation, and especially focus on the academic value of persons with disabilities. To promote the engagement of  people’s creation, art exchange and integration in society.

The Activities

1. An  exhibition of the selected works 100 pieces in all, including 70 pieces of artists with disabilities, and 30 pieces of able-bodied artists.

2. An academic forum of Integrated Art. There will be lectures by artists and scholars, which are open to the public.

3. An art creation party on the beach of Changjiang River. The artists who are invited and the prize winners will carry on some collective improvisation and complete a piece of special cooperating work.

The Voting

Some of the world’s leading experts will be invited to form a jury, to carry out evaluation strictly on the works. 30 pieces of works chosen from artists with disabilities will be awarded Best Creation.

The Awards

1.All the selected works will be included in the Collection of The First International Art Exhibition for People with Disabilities. The winning works won’t be returned to the artists, while the remaining ones will.

2. 30 artists who win the Best Creation Prize will be awarded 10,000 RMB and medals. 30 special invited artists will get medals of Humanitarian Award and collection certificates .  Their works will be collected by the organizing committee, and they will be invited to Wuhan to participate in the opening ceremony and other activities. Hotel and city traffic costs in Wuhan will be covered.

The Requirements

1. There are no restrictions on contents. We prefer the works that highlight the humanism. The artist should submit the works in the form of photographs to be evaluated. And the long side of the original work should be no more than 2 meters. The artist should send the Registration-Form and the photos to [email protected]

2.The form and the results of selection will be published in teienskennel.com . The finalists should then send the original work to the organizing committee. And the address will be given to them later in a further notice. Other artists will receive no additional notice.

3.All the works should be original. Before the primary evaluation, every artist is allowed to send no more than 3 pieces of works. And each finalist could only retain 1 piece.

4. Please submit the photos of works and the form before August 31th, 2015.


The Organizing Committee


Sun xiande, Deputy Secretary of Party Leadership and Deputy Director General of CDPF

Li Zhenxuan(specially invited), The Highest member of The Saenuri Party, Korean Congressman

Executive Chairman

Zhang Guangqing, Vice Mayor of Wuhan

Vice Chairman

Zhang Wei, Member of the Council of CDPF,  President of China Braille Publishing House

Wei MengxinDirector of the International Department of CDPF

Guo Liqun, Director of the Propaganda Department of CDPF

Ni Lin, President and Chief Editor of China Press for People with Disability

Huang Jinshan, President of Huaxia Publishing House

Xi Da, Assistant Secretary-General of Wuhan People's Government

Wang Fang, Vice Director of Wuhan Disabled Persons' Federation

Lv Bing, Secretary of Party Leadership of Wuhan Federation of Literary and Art Circles

Xu Yongjian, Curator of Wanlin Art Museum of Wuhan University


Zhang Heyong, Deputy Chief Editor of China Press for People with Disability, Vice-president of the Academy of Chinese Calligraphy and Painting

Zhang Xuechao, Director of the Culture Office of the Propaganda Department of CDPF

Cai Min, Director of The Art Exchange Center of China National Academy of Painting

Su Houping, Vice Director of Wuhan Disabled Persons' Federation

Jin Zhongxian, President of Korea Disabled Artists Association

Kenjiro Itagaki, Secretary-general of Nippon Charity Kyokai Public Interest Incorporated Foundation

Project Leader


Li Haixia, Project Leader of The Development Department of China Press for People with Disability

Jiang Xin, Deputy Director of Wuhan Social Service Office for Disabled Persons


Jin Xixuan, Project Leader of Korea Disabled Artists Association


Otome Segawa, Project Leader of Nippon Charity Kyokai Public Interest Incorporated Foundation

The Organizing Committee's office of the International Integrated Art Exhibition

Add: A309, The Development Department of China Press for People with Disability, Taide Office Park, A10, Huixinli, Chaoyang District, Beijing, 100029

Tel: 86-10-84625879

Contact: Li Haixia

Email: [email protected]

Web: www.teienskennel.com



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